Epidemiology is the study of health and illness in the community and is considered the foundation of public health. At KCHD, the Division of Epidemiology tracks infectious diseases, investigates disease outbreaks, educates medical providers and the general public about illness in our community, and most importantly, teaches us how to prevent the spread of diseases.
There are many reportable diseases that we follow in Kanawha County. The following chart is from the West Virginia Bureau of Public Health.

What Are Infectious Diseases?
infectious disease is any illness that can be spread from one person to
another. Many people may think that such diseases no longer exist in
this country but that is not true. Infectious diseases include
everything from the uncommon, such as ebola virus, to the
common cold. We also follow diseases such as Lyme Disease that is carried by certain ticks.
The following health advisories have been released by the West Virginia Bureau of Health and pertain to Kanawha County.

For More Epidemiology Information
(304) 348-1088